By Arunangshu Maitra (TNI Falakata) | Edited By R. Subrata (TNI Siliguri)
Webdesk, TNI Dhubri 27th May, 2016: After the New year fall festival has started at Assam. In East Assam’s festival, Bihu is the main festival known throughout the world. It’s the festival depicting the folk arts of Assam and North East India. There are three types of Bihu festival in Assam which is less known to the world. In the month of April it’s ‘Rongali Bihu’, in the month of October and November its ‘Kongali Bihu’ and lastly, in the month of January and February, it’s the time of ‘Bhogali Bihu’. ‘Bhogali Bihu’ is also famous for its Pitha and Payesh. During this time, people of Assam like that of Bengal indulge in making different types of Pithas. This is the time of Rongali Bihu. In the Assam – Bengal border area i.e. in Dhubri Town a Bihu Competition is taking place known as ‘Bohagi Bidai Utsab’. The program is organized by Dhubri District’s State Information and Culture Department. At the end, the prizes were also distributed.
Photo: Arunangshu Maitra (TNI)